Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Are you discouraged when you go out to eat? I live in an organic desert

I received this email today from fellow health coach Holli Thompson of Nutritional Style and wanted to share her very important message.  Holli says: 

I was beginning to feel that the health advocates of America were making headway; Whole Foods pledged to abolish all GMO's from their stores by 2015, there was a large increase in the number of farmers markets reported, and new organic cosmetic lines are debuting each day. 

Then I went on a two week family trip to the southern United States.  

It was eye opening. Although I coach my clients week after week about how to travel, and I share ideas and resources and tips for doing it, there's nothing likegetting out there.  

Holy moly. 

This was not Manhattan, or L.A., where there are dozens of organic restaurants and juice bars. This was not a spa in New Mexico, or a European city, where foods are naturally organic and whole. This was American theme park cuisine, and American resort cuisine, home of iceberg lettuce wedges with gobs of blue cheese dressing.  

Yes, like in Modern Family, and yes, my son wanted to try it. 

Even though we had a kitchen in our room, and even though I brought packets of VegaOne smoothie mix, it was tough going. I went shopping for groceries so that my husband could have organic eggs, and I found organic mixed greens at Publix, but I wasn't prepared to eat every meal in the room, and neither were my guys. 

We tried to visit restaurants with menus that appeared to have clean food, but somehow the green beans were swimming in oil, and the mashed cauliflower 
was mostly butter and potatoes. At one hotel, the only late night dining available was pizza, as our exhausted family ordered in dinner. 

I didn't see the word "organic" on a menu for two weeks, and everywhere I looked, at each restaurant we visited, there were oversized portions of gluten and dairy, without any vegetables. I gave up battling my son on factory farmed meats and we caved to his vacation diet of cheese-on-everything, 

I got discouraged. 

I worked hard before hand, bringing organic snacks in my suitcase; raw bars, nuts, and coconut water, and for one week, I cooked breakfast and lunch, which was not really the way I wanted to vacation, by the way.  At some point, we had to get real.  

We couldn't run back to the hotel at mid-day. There wasn't a stove in our room, and we wanted to cram in as much fun as possible. Normal splurges, like movie snacks, gave way to daily splurges for my family. 

On the way home, my husband turned to me and said, 'I feel sick from the food we've been eating.'

My son said, 'Mama, will you make me a smoothie when we get home?'

I felt like I had lead in my veins, or as my friend the yogi put it, sticky blood. 

What struck me was this; this is not a financial issue; the people we saw were paying many hundreds of dollars per family to enter this American theme park. (Watch for my blog this week when I do talk about finances and food in America.) 

This is an education issue.   

People aren't asking for organic greens or hormone free meats for their kids. They're not insisting that the average nice restaurant carry organic vegetables, or that they prepare their food in healthy oil. They're not demanding healthier snacks, or natural sugars at places that cater to children, and Americans are still buying super-size sodas and trans fat popcorn to watch Oz, the Great and Powerful. 

They're not asking for better food, organic food, because they don't want to believe the their food can be that bad. They want to eat what's there, available and accessible, and they don't want to have to search it out, or bring it with them. 

Why should they? 

They trust that their government agencies protect them, and they believe that somehow, in America, the food must be good for you. 

They choose not to believe the articles they read, and they think large scale farming and GMOs provide cheap food for all.  They don't realize the long term health costs of heavy spraying and they've gotten used to seeing people carrying an extra 40 + pounds.  

This is not an appearance issue, these are issues that do and will affect all of us in the future. 

I am more than determined to get the word out!  
  • Share this  with someone you care about, right now, and allow me to do my thing, each week.

  • Sign up for my Facebook page, where I share timely food issues and ask you occasionally to reach out to your congressman. Ask your friends to join me there as well.

  • Make a Green smoothie for your Aunt Mary, or for the kids in your life. (See my recipe below!) 

Facebook is a wonderful place to connect join me there for action and information! Facebook

Head over to my website and see all the wonderful recipes including this Green Smoothie Lift

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Deadly Aspartame MAY be allowed in your DAIRY Unlabeled

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) has recently petitioned the FDA to allow apartame in over 17 dairy products WITHOUT it being labeled.  This means you the consumer could purchase and consume a dairy product and be getting a deadly poison at the same time and not even know it!

I am a full advocate of labeling ALL ingredients in food.  I have written previously about the danger's of GMO's in our food supply, but this takes things to a whole new level and I'm pissed! You all may ask why I'm so mad when I don't even eat or drink regular DAIRY products? As some of you know I use raw dairy from a local Florida farm only.  Why?  Because I know others do! My clients drink milk, my friends love cheese, and they serve it in EVERY school in America!  I care about the health and welfare of my fellow citizens, family, and friends!

So why the hell do they want to add aspartame to milk? Well if you want to understand a little more of their twisted phylosophy Dr. Mercola explains it in his article "Big Dairy Petitions FDA to Allow Unlabeled Use of Aspartame in Dairy Products "

According to the IDFA and NMPF, nutrient content claims such as “reduced calorie” are not attractive to children and have led to an overall decline in milk consumption in schools. Essentially, as with the GMO labeling issue, they don’t want you or your child to be “confused” or perhaps “scared away” by truthful labeling...

The IDFA and NMPF actually maintain that “consumers can more easily identify the overall nutritional value of milk products that are flavored with non-nutritive sweeteners if the labels do not include such claims.”
They also state that consumers generally don’t recognize milk — including flavored milk — as necessarily containing sugar. Therefore, since you’re don’t realize that flavored milk might contain added sugar, sweetening the product with non-nutritive artificial sweeteners, while listing it as simply “milk” on the label, will make it easier for you to identify its overall nutritional value.
Get it? If not, you’re not alone.
In order to understand this twisted logic, you need to know that the FDA alreadyallows the dairy industry to use the unmodified “milk” label for products that contain added sugar or high fructose corn syrup.2

Artificial sweeteners are allowed to be added, but must currently be listed on the label. Quoting Section 130.10 of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990, the IDFA and NMPF claim no extra labeling is required for artificial sweeteners because sugar is added to milk without labeling it, and “the modified food is not inferior in performance,” and “reduced calories are not attractive to children.”
Therefore marketing products as such is neither of benefit or detriment to anyone... Knowing that nutritive sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup can be added without being listed as an ingredient, is it any wonder that people generally “don’t recognize” these products contain added sugar?
Going along with their twisted reasoning, since they don’t have to tell you there’s HFCS in that flavored milk or yoghurt — which leaves you ignorant of the fact that it’s there — it might “confuse” you were they to tell you another version contains an artificial sweetener. It also puts those products at a market disadvantage, since the HFCS-containing products don’t have to list it — the HFCS is simply hidden as part of the “milk” designation.
Hence, hiding ALL added sweeteners from you would “promote honesty” and “fair dealing in the marketplace.” Not only is this a perfect example of how you may be consuming hidden fructose in your diet, even if you are an avid label reader... it’s also a valuable lesson in just how little you’re allowed to know about the foods you buy.

HOW CAN YOU HELP?  TAKE ACTION NOW!!  Sumbit a comment on the proposed rule and let government know it's NOT ok!